Districts :
Kufstein Kitzbühel Innsbruck-Stadt Lienz Landeck Reutte Imst Schwaz Innsbruck-Land
Oberes Inntal Mittleres Inntal Unteres Inntal Westtiroler Zentralalpentäler Mitteltiroler Zentralalpentäler Kitzbüheler Gebiet Lech- und Tannheimertal Außerfern und Senke von Ehrwald Nordtiroler Kalkalpen Osttiroler Hochalpentäler Lienzer Becken

Railway in Tyrol

Railway in Tyrol

Railway / goods in Tyrol

Railway / goods in Tyrol

Local rail transport in Tyrol

Local rail transport in Tyrol

Local bus service in Tyrol

Local bus service in Tyrol

Guest cars in Tyrol

Guest cars in Tyrol

Rental cars, limousines in Tyrol

Rental cars, limousines in Tyrol

Taxi in Tyrol

Taxi in Tyrol

Bus transportation in Tyrol

Bus transportation in Tyrol

Cable car, chair & drag lift transportation in Tyrol

Cable car, chair & drag lift transportation in Tyrol

T-bar lift in Tyrol

T-bar lift in Tyrol

Chair lift in Tyrol

Chair lift in Tyrol

Coach in Tyrol

Coach in Tyrol

Carriage of goods in Tyrol

Carriage of goods in Tyrol