Tertiary education: Bruck on the Leitha
The interactive Similio map on the topic Tertiary education offers a good overview for the district Bruck on the Leitha, Niederösterreich and refers to the maps on the municipal level on the topic Tertiary education, which also allow a direct comparison with the neighbouring municipalities.
The tertiary education rate is an indicator which compares the share of the population with a tertiary degree with the total population. Tertiary education follows secondary education and in Austria comprises universities and Fachhochschulen. Tertiary education is considered to be advanced and is part of a theoretical and practical specialisation in certain subject areas.
Similio offers numerous Tertiary education comparisons with interactive maps. There is a separate map for each Austrian municipality. Further maps for Tertiary education are available at the level of political districts, landscapes, regions and at the level of federal provinces.
Keywords on Tertiary education:
University, higher education institution, Fachhochschule, students, academic title, knowledge, specialisation, professors, field of study, education, training, education, educational path, economy, lectures, educational offer, study programmes, Bachelor, Master, Ministry of Education, statistics, adults.
Tertiary education
Tertiary education: Description
Tertiary education : Municipalities
- Tertiary education in Hundsheim : 5,80%
- Tertiary education in Ebergassing : 6,00%
- Tertiary education in Klein Neusiedl : 6,00%
- Tertiary education in Schwadorf : 6,70%
- Tertiary education in Rohrau : 6,80%
- Tertiary education in Au : 7,10%
- Tertiary education in Enzersdorf : 7,20%
- Tertiary education in Mannersdorf : 7,50%
- Tertiary education in Prellenkirchen : 7,50%
- Tertiary education in Höflein : 7,80%
- Tertiary education in Schwechat : 7,90%
- Tertiary education in Götzendorf : 8,00%
- Tertiary education in Trautmannsdorf : 8,00%
- Tertiary education in Hof : 8,20%
- Tertiary education in Sommerein : 8,60%
- Tertiary education in Fischamend : 8,60%
- Tertiary education in Lanzendorf : 8,60%
- Tertiary education in Berg : 8,70%
- Tertiary education in Bad Deutsch Altenburg : 8,90%
- Tertiary education in Göttlesbrunn Arbesthal : 9,10%
- Tertiary education in Zwölfaxing : 9,40%
- Tertiary education in Hainburg : 9,50%
- Tertiary education in Petronell Carnuntum : 9,60%
- Tertiary education in Himberg : 9,80%
- Tertiary education in Wolfsthal : 10,20%
- Tertiary education in Moosbrunn : 10,50%
- Tertiary education in Bruck : 10,70%
- Tertiary education in Rauchenwarth : 10,80%
- Tertiary education in Gramatneusiedl : 10,80%
- Tertiary education in Maria Lanzendorf : 10,90%
- Tertiary education in Scharndorf : 10,90%
- Tertiary education in Haslau Maria Ellend : 12,20%
- Tertiary education in Leopoldsdorf : 16,10%