Seniors: Ried in the Innkreis
The interactive Similio map on the topic Seniors offers a good overview for the district Ried in the Innkreis, Oberösterreich and refers to the maps on the municipal level on the topic Seniors, which also allow a direct comparison with the neighbouring municipalities.
Senior citizens in the sense of this indicator are those over 65 years of age. The senior citizens ratio reflects the proportion of the population aged 65 and over in a geographical unit. It is therefore a useful statistic for analysing the demographic structure of the population, as a high proportion of senior citizens indicates an ageing population.
Similio offers numerous Seniors comparisons with interactive maps. There is a separate map for each Austrian municipality. Further maps for Seniors are available at the level of political districts, landscapes, regions and at the level of federal provinces.
Keywords on Seniors:
average age, population, inhabitants, children, schools, parents, pension, retirement, infrastructure, population growth, demography, young people, grandparents, nursing homes, hospitals, age, generation, culture, stage of life.
Seniors: Description
Seniors : Municipalities
- Seniors in St.Marienkirchen : 11,20%
- Seniors in St.Martin : 13,20%
- Seniors in Senftenbach : 14,20%
- Seniors in Eitzing : 14,50%
- Seniors in Schildorn : 14,60%
- Seniors in Neuhofen : 14,90%
- Seniors in Andrichsfurt : 15,10%
- Seniors in Tumeltsham : 15,60%
- Seniors in Wippenham : 15,80%
- Seniors in Reichersberg : 16,30%
- Seniors in Geinberg : 16,30%
- Seniors in Mühlheim : 16,30%
- Seniors in Kirchheim : 16,40%
- Seniors in Antiesenhofen : 16,60%
- Seniors in Mettmach : 16,60%
- Seniors in Waldzell : 16,80%
- Seniors in Taiskirchen : 16,90%
- Seniors in Aurolzmünster : 17,00%
- Seniors in Hohenzell : 17,20%
- Seniors in Utzenaich : 17,30%
- Seniors in Eberschwang : 17,40%
- Seniors in Pramet : 17,40%
- Seniors in Peterskirchen : 17,50%
- Seniors in Ort : 17,60%
- Seniors in Lambrechten : 17,70%
- Seniors in Pattigham : 17,70%
- Seniors in Lohnsburg : 17,80%
- Seniors in Gurten : 17,90%
- Seniors in Mörschwang : 18,40%
- Seniors in Kirchdorf : 18,70%
- Seniors in Geiersberg : 18,80%
- Seniors in Weilbach : 19,30%
- Seniors in Mehrnbach : 19,70%
- Seniors in St.Georgen : 21,00%
- Seniors in Ried : 21,00%
- Seniors in Obernberg : 23,80%