Population density

Obernberg am Inn

Population Density | Obernberg am Inn

Obernberg am Inn: Companies

Population density: Description
  • Population density is a statistical indicator which compares the number of inhabitants with the area of a region. Population density can be used to evaluate the type of settlement in a region. Population density is measured in inhabitants per square kilometre. The population density in Austria is not as high as in the metropolises of the world and Austria is rather in the middle of the international comparison with a population density of about 106 inhabitants per km².

  • Similio offers numerous Population density comparisons with interactive maps. There is a separate map for each Austrian municipality. Further maps for Population density are available at the level of political districts, landscapes, regions and at the level of federal provinces.

  • Keywords on Population density:

    metropolis, development, city, country, urbanisation, multi-family houses, single-family houses, population, inhabitants, rural exodus, development, growth, decline, city centres, economy, jobs, density, supply.

Population Density in Obernberg am Inn
The population density in Obernberg am Inn is 685,85 inhabitants per km². The population density of neighbouring municipalities is shown in the table of neighbouring municipalities.
Population density in Neighboring municipalities

Individual analyses & visualisations

Obernberg am Inn: Main postcode (ZIP code): 4982

Towns & cadastral municipalities: Obernberg am Inn.