On this page users will find an overview of the topic Unemployment in the Gemeinde St. Oswald bei Haslach of the district Rohrbach in the federal state Oberösterreich. The interactive map provides an overview of the situation in the municipality and in comparison to the neighbouring municipalities. Below the map, the concrete values of the neighbouring municipalities on the topic Unemployment are also displayed. By clicking on one of the municipalities, users can then go directly to the detailed view of the respective municipality and its neighbouring municipalities. At the bottom of the page there is an overview of the other statistical topics on Similio. With one click users can directly access the results for the Gemeinde St. Oswald bei Haslach for the respective topic.


St. Oswald bei Haslach

St. Oswald bei Haslach: Companies

Unemployment: Description
  • The unemployment rate is basically the ratio of unemployed to employed persons. There are various international methods for calculating it, some of which can lead to considerable divergences. The Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS), which is responsible for this in Austria and is the first point of contact for unemployed people, calculates the ratio of people registered as unemployed to the so-called labour force potential, which includes both employed and self-employed persons as well as the unemployed.

  • Similio offers numerous Unemployment comparisons with interactive maps. There is a separate map for each Austrian municipality. Further maps for Unemployment are available at the level of political districts, landscapes, regions and at the level of federal provinces.

  • Keywords on Unemployment:

    work, employment, labour market, AMS, short-time work, emergency unemployment assistance, unemployed, unemployment figures, seasonal unemployment, full employment, reasonable, minimum benefit, job search, job seekers, statistics, social insurance, vacancies, jobs, full-time, part-time, marginal, training, further training, retraining, demand.

Unemployment in St. Oswald bei Haslach
The unemployment rate in St. Oswald bei Haslach is 1,70%. The unemployment rates of neighbouring municipalities are shown in the table of neighbouring municipalities.
Unemployment in Neighboring municipalities

Individual analyses & visualisations

St. Oswald bei Haslach: Main postcode (ZIP code): 4170

Towns & cadastral municipalities: Schwackerreith, St.Oswald bei Haslach, Laimbach, Sattling, Almesberg.