
Legal Form:


Unrecorded company

Company register number:
Not registered
Small urban centres
Federal State:
Ing. Rene Ulrich Schöngruber - company
Companies and businesses in Neunkirchen

Social Networks


  1. Ing. Rene Ulrich Schöngruber
    Wiener Straße 28 / 8680 Mürzzuschlag
    T 0680/1181077


  • Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, federal guild of the electrical, building, alarm and communication technicians
  • Chamber of commerce Styria, federal guild Styria of the electrical, building, alarm and communication technicians
  • Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, federal guild of the chemical industry & monument, facade and building cleaners
  • Chamber of commerce Styria, federal guild Styria of the chemical industry & monument, facade and building cleaners
  • Chamber of commerce Styria, federal committee Styria of the vehicle trade

Chambers of commerce description

  • Handelsgewerbe
  • Hausbetreuung, bestehend in der Durchführung einfacher Reinigungstätigkeiten einschl. objektbezogener einfacher Wartungstätigkeiten
  • Elektrotechnik
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