Household size


Household Size | Burgschleinitz-Kühnring

Burgschleinitz-Kühnring: Companies

Household size: Description
  • The average household size is an indicator of the number of inhabitants per housing unit or household in a given geographical unit, which can be used to draw conclusions about the type of settlement and social structures. In this respect, a distinction can be made between areas where households consist primarily of one person or more often of families or shared flats.

  • Similio offers numerous Household size comparisons with interactive maps. There is a separate map for each Austrian municipality. Further maps for Household size are available at the level of political districts, landscapes, regions and at the level of federal provinces.

  • Keywords on Household size:

    bachelor flat, single-family house, children, grandparents, square metres, flat size, living space, bedroom, bathroom, lack of space, garden, parents' house, flat-sharing communities, shared flats, student flats, statistics.

Household Size in Burgschleinitz-Kühnring
The average household size in Burgschleinitz-Kühnring is 2,48 inhabitants per household. The average household sizes of neighbouring municipalities are shown in the table of neighbouring municipalities.

Individual analyses & visualisations

Burgschleinitz-Kühnring: Main postcode (ZIP code): 3730

Additional ZIP Code(s): 3713

Towns & cadastral municipalities: Burgschleinitz, Reinprechtspölla, Burgschleinitz, Kühnring, Matzelsdorf, Reinprechtspölla, Sachsendorf, Buttendorf, Zogelsdorf, Harmannsdorf.