The secondary education rate is an indicator which compares the share of the population with a secondary education qualification with the total population. Secondary education comprises the educational pathway that follows basic education. (in Austria: primary school) Secondary education is an important section of the school system in which essential in-depth knowledge of the basic subjects at school is imparted. These basic subjects are in particular of a linguistic, humanities and natural sciences nature. (especially German, history and mathematics)
Similio offers numerous Secondary education comparisons with interactive maps. There is a separate map for each Austrian municipality. Further maps for Secondary education are available at the level of political districts, landscapes, regions and at the level of federal provinces.
Keywords on Secondary education:
Upper school, lower school, education, training, school-leaving certificate, higher education entrance qualification, educational path, economy, teaching, educational offers, school types, Ministry of Education, statistics, teachers, pedagogues, children, young people, pupils.
Secondary education
Secondary education: Description
Second. Education in Imst
The secondary education rate in Imst is 58,30%. The secondary education rates of neighbouring municipalities are shown in the table of neighbouring municipalities.
Secondary education in Neighboring municipalities
- Secondary education in Pfafflar : 41,70%
- Secondary education in Namlos : 42,30%
- Secondary education in Gramais : 45,20%
- Secondary education in Häselgehr : 57,50%
- Secondary education in Zams : 61,00%
- Secondary education in Schönwies : 61,20%
- Secondary education in Arzl : 62,20%
- Secondary education in Mils : 62,90%
- Secondary education in Karrösten : 62,90%
- Secondary education in Stanzach : 63,40%
- Secondary education in Tarrenz : 65,60%
- Secondary education in Imsterberg : 67,30%
Imst: Main postcode (ZIP code): 6460
Towns & cadastral municipalities: Imst.
- Urbanity : 8
- Prop. price : 215,00€
- Settlement : 2,54
- Household size : 2,42
- Sec. residences : 17%
- Density : 88,50 People/km²
- Since 1869 : +370,00%
- Since 1900 : +309,00%
- Since 2011 : +10,00%
- General elections
- Youth : 15,70%
- Seniors : 15,50%
- Sec. education : 58,30%
- Ter. education : 11,30%
- Foreigners : 15,10%
- Unemployment : 6,70%
- Activity rate : 69,90%
- Commuter : 45,10%
- Farmers(Federal) : -64,60%
- Farmers(Austria) : -72,68%