On this page users will find an overview of the topic Tertiary education in the Stadtgemeinde Wörgl of the district Kufstein in the federal state Tirol. The interactive map provides an overview of the situation in the municipality and in comparison to the neighbouring municipalities. Below the map, the concrete values of the neighbouring municipalities on the topic Tertiary education are also displayed. By clicking on one of the municipalities, users can then go directly to the detailed view of the respective municipality and its neighbouring municipalities. At the bottom of the page there is an overview of the other statistical topics on Similio. With one click users can directly access the results for the Stadtgemeinde Wörgl for the respective topic.

Tertiary education


Wörgl: Companies

Tertiary education: Description
  • The tertiary education rate is an indicator which compares the share of the population with a tertiary degree with the total population. Tertiary education follows secondary education and in Austria comprises universities and Fachhochschulen. Tertiary education is considered to be advanced and is part of a theoretical and practical specialisation in certain subject areas.

  • Similio offers numerous Tertiary education comparisons with interactive maps. There is a separate map for each Austrian municipality. Further maps for Tertiary education are available at the level of political districts, landscapes, regions and at the level of federal provinces.

  • Keywords on Tertiary education:

    University, higher education institution, Fachhochschule, students, academic title, knowledge, specialisation, professors, field of study, education, training, education, educational path, economy, lectures, educational offer, study programmes, Bachelor, Master, Ministry of Education, statistics, adults.

Tertiary Education in Wörgl
The tertiary education rate in Wörgl is 7,80%. The tertiary education rates of neighbouring municipalities are shown in the table of neighbouring municipalities.

Individual analyses & visualisations

Wörgl: Main postcode (ZIP code): 6300

Towns & cadastral municipalities: Wörgl.