Population since 2011: Scheibbs
The interactive Similio map on the topic Population since 2011 offers a good overview for the district Scheibbs, Niederösterreich and refers to the maps on the municipal level on the topic Population since 2011, which also allow a direct comparison with the neighbouring municipalities.
Population trends are defined as the development of the population in a geographical unit over a given period. Population trends are informative from a historical, economic and sociological point of view, as they are a cross-sectional indicator resulting from a wide range of other developments.
Similio offers numerous Population since 2011 comparisons with interactive maps. There is a separate map for each Austrian municipality. Further maps for Population since 2011 are available at the level of political districts, landscapes, regions and at the level of federal provinces.
Keywords on Population since 2011:
rural exodus, emigration, immigration, urbanisation, suburbanisation, bacon belt, history, development, population, inhabitants, city, country, growth, decline, village death, suburbanisation, economy, jobs.
Population development since 2011
Population since 2011: Description
Population since 2011 : Municipalities
- Population since 2011 in Gaming : -4,00%
- Population since 2011 in Puchenstuben : -3,00%
- Population since 2011 in Lunz : -2,00%
- Population since 2011 in Randegg : -2,00%
- Population since 2011 in Göstling : -1,00%
- Population since 2011 in Gresten Land : -1,00%
- Population since 2011 in Oberndorf : -1,00%
- Population since 2011 in St.Anton : -1,00%
- Population since 2011 in Purgstall : 0,00%
- Population since 2011 in Steinakirchen : 0,00%
- Population since 2011 in Scheibbs : 0,00%
- Population since 2011 in St.Georgen : 1,00%
- Population since 2011 in Gresten : 1,00%
- Population since 2011 in Reinsberg : 2,00%
- Population since 2011 in Wang : 2,00%
- Population since 2011 in Wieselburg Land : 2,00%
- Population since 2011 in Wolfpassing : 9,00%
- Population since 2011 in Wieselburg : 12,00%