Youth: Waidhofen on the Thaya
The interactive Similio map on the topic Youth offers a good overview for the district Waidhofen on the Thaya, Niederösterreich and refers to the maps on the municipal level on the topic Youth, which also allow a direct comparison with the neighbouring municipalities.
Young people in the sense of this indicator are those under 15 years of age. The youth ratio reflects the proportion of young people under 15 years of age in the total population in a geographical unit. It is therefore a revealing statistic for analysing the demographic structure of the population, since a high rate of young people indicates a growing population.
Similio offers numerous Youth comparisons with interactive maps. There is a separate map for each Austrian municipality. Further maps for Youth are available at the level of political districts, landscapes, regions and at the level of federal provinces.
Keywords on Youth:
average age, population, inhabitants, children, schools, parents, education, infrastructure, population growth, demography, senior citizens, grandparents, kindergartens, preschools, playgrounds, age, generation.

Youth: Description
Youth : Municipalities
- Youth in Waldkirchen : 9,00%
- Youth in Dietmanns : 9,00%
- Youth in Raabs : 10,70%
- Youth in Windigsteig : 11,00%
- Youth in Gastern : 11,90%
- Youth in Waidhofen : 12,10%
- Youth in Groß Siegharts : 12,50%
- Youth in Kautzen : 12,60%
- Youth in Thaya : 12,80%
- Youth in Ludweis Aigen : 13,50%
- Youth in Pfaffenschlag : 14,20%
- Youth in Dobersberg : 14,40%
- Youth in Karlstein : 14,40%
- Youth in Vitis : 15,10%
- Youth in Waidhofen : 16,00%