Farmers (comparison to Austria)


Farmers (Austria) | Wals-Siezenheim

Wals-Siezenheim: Companies

Farmers(Austria): Description
  • Agriculture is part of the primary economic sector, which also includes forestry, hunting, fishing and mineral extraction. The number of farmers in a region gives an indication of the importance of agriculture in a region. The Similio Farmer Comparison allows users to compare the regional share of farmers with the Austrian average, which reveals sometimes considerable differences in the importance of the local economic sector.

  • Similio offers numerous Farmers(Austria) comparisons with interactive maps. There is a separate map for each Austrian municipality. Further maps for Farmers(Austria) are available at the level of political districts, landscapes, regions and at the level of federal provinces.

  • Keywords on Farmers(Austria):

    agriculture, forestry, rural area, arable farming, farmers, agricultural machinery, population, inhabitants, economy, growth, industrialisation, subsidies, agricultural sector, green spaces, nature, ecology, organic, food, food, catering, supply.

Farmers (Austria) in Wals-Siezenheim
The ratio of farmers in Wals-Siezenheim compared to the federal average is -42,26%. The corresponding values of the neighboring municipalities can be found in the table neighboring municipalities.
Farmers(Austria) in Neighboring municipalities

Individual analyses & visualisations

Wals-Siezenheim: Main postcode (ZIP code): 5071

Towns & cadastral municipalities: Himmelreich, Viehhausen, Wals, Siezenheim, Käferheim, Walserfeld, Walserberg, Gois, Schwarzenbergkaserne, Kleßheim.