Urbanity is an indicator of the size, population density and settlement type in a region. Urbanity is a value from 1 to 10, with a higher value representing more densely populated areas.
Similio offers numerous Urbanity comparisons with interactive maps. There is a separate map for each Austrian municipality. Further maps for Urbanity are available at the level of political districts, landscapes, regions and at the level of federal provinces.
Keywords on Urbanity:
City, country, growth, development, inhabitants, infrastructure, economy, centres, urbanisation, rural exodus, regional, urban, jobs, entertainment, metropolises, population density, suburbanisation, leisure activities, transport, nature.
Urbanity: Description
Urbanity in Schiedlberg
The urbanity value in Schiedlberg is 2/10. The urbanity values of the neighbouring municipalities can be found in the table neighbouring municipalities.
Urbanity in Neighboring municipalities
Schiedlberg: Main postcode (ZIP code): 4521
Additional ZIP Code(s): 4522
Towns & cadastral municipalities: Schiedlberg, Hilbern, Thanstetten, Matzelsdorf, Goldberg, Droißendorf.
- Urbanity : 2
- Prop. price : 89,70€
- Settlement : 1,44
- Household size : 2,65
- Sec. residences : 15%
- Density : 40,61 People/km²
- Since 1869 : -21,00%
- Since 1900 : -20,00%
- Since 2011 : -2,00%
- General elections
- Youth : 13,50%
- Seniors : 18,30%
- Sec. education : 63,50%
- Ter. education : 9,40%
- Foreigners : 5,00%
- Unemployment : 3,10%
- Activity rate : 77,00%
- Commuter : 68,40%
- Farmers(Federal) : 233,10%
- Farmers(Austria) : 317,50%