On this page users will find all relevant information about the Gemeinde Stanz bei Landeck. On the interactive map, users can view the geographical features of the municipality and switch to a neighbouring municipality with just one click. At the bottom left of the map, there is a button that allows users to switch between the cartographic display and the aerial photographs of the municipality. Below the map the Gemeinde Stanz bei Landeck contains detailed information about the municipality. This information includes a general description of the municipality, key figures and the area use of the municipality. In addition, users can also access the map of the municipality's companies and institutions by clicking on the company buttons. In addition to this further information on the Stanz bei Landeck Gemeinde and the presentation of the companies on the map, users can also explore detailed statistics and other interactive maps on topics such as land prices, population development and unemployment in the municipality Stanz bei Landeck in the subject area.
Coats of arms Gemeinde Stanz bei Landeck

Stanz bei Landeck


Stanz bei Landeck: Companies

Basic information
Surface use
  • Wood


  • Alps


  • Rocks


  • Fields, pastures


  • Permanent crops


  • Viniculture


  • Operational areas


  • Leisure areas


  • Gardens


  • Rivers, brooks


  • Lakes, ponds


Individual analyses & visualisations

Stanz bei Landeck: Description
  • The Gemeinde Stanz bei Landeck is located in the federal state Tyrol
  • The Gemeinde belongs to the Landeck
  • Stanz bei Landeck is geographically part of the landscape Oberes Inntal
  • The main postal code of Stanz bei Landeck is 6500
  • The Stanz bei Landeck has an area of 7.32 km²
  • In Stanz bei Landeck live 577 people
Stanz bei Landeck: Contact information
Stanz bei Landeck: Neighboring municipalities

Stanz bei Landeck: Main postcode (ZIP code): 6500

Towns & cadastral municipalities: Stanz bei Landeck.

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