Population development since 1869


Population development 1869-2018 | Schattendorf

Schattendorf: Companies

Population since 1869: Description
  • Population trends are defined as the development of the population in a geographical unit over a given period. Population trends are informative from a historical, economic and sociological point of view, as they are a cross-sectional indicator resulting from a wide range of other developments.

  • Similio offers numerous Population since 1869 comparisons with interactive maps. There is a separate map for each Austrian municipality. Further maps for Population since 1869 are available at the level of political districts, landscapes, regions and at the level of federal provinces.

  • Keywords on Population since 1869:

    rural exodus, emigration, immigration, urbanisation, suburbanisation, bacon belt, history, development, population, inhabitants, city, country, growth, decline, village death, suburbanisation, economy, jobs.

1869-2018 in Schattendorf
Sine 1869, the population development in Schattendorf has been 58,00%. The population development of the neighbouring municipalities is shown in the table of neighbouring municipalities.

Individual analyses & visualisations

Schattendorf: Main postcode (ZIP code): 7022

Towns & cadastral municipalities: Schattendorf, Schattendorf.