Public limited company
Social Networks
Base materials Stones, earth, salt Lime, gypsum, chalk & slatee stone
Base materials Stones, earth, salt Gravel, sand, clay & kaolin
Goods Wooden goods & basketry Wooden & cork goods & basketry
Goods Glass & ceramic Glass working
Goods Metal products Development elements
Goods Mechanical engineering Mining, construction & building material machines
Goods Furniture, sports, games… Other furniture
Supply / Recycling Water Wastewater disposal
Supply / Recycling Collection & recycling Waste collection
Construction Construction above and below ground Construction above and below ground
Construction Construction above and below ground Property developers
Construction Construction above and below ground Road construction
Construction Construction above and below ground Canal & well construction
Construction Preparation Blasting company
Construction Installation Alarm systems, installation
Construction Installation Electrical installation
Construction Installation Gas- Water- Heating
Construction Installation Ventilation systems
Construction Installation Insulation of all kinds
Construction Extension Floorers
Construction Extension Roofing
Construction Extension Carpentry
Construction Extension Tinsmithery
Construction Side activities Pavement workshop
Trade & motor vehicles Wholesale goods Ores, iron, steel
Trade & motor vehicles Wholesale goods Metal & plastic products for building purposes
Trade & motor vehicles Wholesale goods Old & residual materials
Trade & motor vehicles Retail goods DIY store
Finance & real estate Business management Partner company with unlimited liability
Finance & real estate Business management Group of companies
Services Technical offices Technical offices
Services Technical offices TO f. land surveying
Services Technical offices TO f. cultural engineering & water management
Services Advertising & photography Advertising agency
Services Advertising & photography Advertising architect
Services Business services Staff leasing
Lobbying & government Law & order Police
Maintenance Objects Snow clearing
- Chamber of commerce Carinthia, professional group of the roofers, glaziers and plumbers
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, federal guild of the roofers, glaziers and plumbers
- Chamber of commerce Styria, federal guild Styria of the roofers, glaziers and plumbers
- Chamber of commerce Vienna, federal guild Vienna of the roofers, glaziers and plumbers
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, federal guild of the painters and upholsterers
- Chamber of commerce Burgenland, federal guild of the building aid industry
- Chamber of commerce Carinthia, professional group building aid industry
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, federal guild of the building aid industry
- Chamber of commerce Upper Austria, federal guild of the building aid industry
- Chamber of commerce Salzburg, federal guild of the building aid industry
- Chamber of commerce Styria, federal guild of the building aid industry
- Chamber of commerce Vienna, federal guild Vienna of the building aid industry
- Chamber of commerce Carinthia, professional group timber construction
- Chamber of commerce Carinthia, federal guild of the carpenters and wood designers
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, federal guild of the carpenters and wood designers
- Chamber of commerce Salzburg, federal guild of the carpenters and wood designers
- Chamber of commerce Vienna, federal guild Vienna of the carpenters and wood designers
- Chamber of commerce Carinthia, professional group of the metal technicians
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, federal guild of the metal technicians
- Chamber of commerce Styria, federal guild Styria of the metal technicians
- Chamber of commerce Carinthia, professional group of the sanitary, heating and ventilation technicians
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, federal guild of the sanitary, heating and ventilation technicians
- Chamber of commerce Salzburg, federal guild of the sanitary, heating and ventilation technicians
- Chamber of commerce Tyrol - guild of the sanitary, heating and ventilation technicians
- Chamber of commerce Vienna, federal guild Vienna of the sanitary, heating and ventilation technicians
- Chamber of commerce Carinthia, professional group of the electrical, building, alarm and communication technicians
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, federal guild of the electrical, building, alarm and communication technicians
- Chamber of commerce Salzburg, federal guild of the electrical, building, alarm and communication technicians
- Chamber of commerce Styria, federal guild Styria of the electrical, building, alarm and communication technicians
- Chamber of commerce Vienna, federal guild Vienna of the electrical, building, alarm and communication technicians
- Chamber of commerce Carinthia, professional group of the mechatronic engineers
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, federal guild of the mechatronic engineers
- Chamber of commerce Tyrol - guild of the mechatronic engineers
- Chamber of commerce Vienna, federal guild Vienna of the mechatronic engineers
- Chamber of commerce Carinthia, professional group of the gardeners and florists
- Chamber of commerce Salzburg, federal guild of the gardeners and florists
- Chamber of commerce Vienna, federal guild Vienna of the gardeners and florists
- Chamber of commerce Carinthia, professional group of the commercial service providers
- Chamber of commerce Styria, professional group Styria of the commercial service providers
- Chamber of commerce Vienna, professional group Vienna of the commercial service providers
- Chamber of commerce Carinthia, professional representation of the stone and ceramic industry
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, professional group of the stone and ceramic industry
- Chamber of commerce Styria, professional representation of the stone and ceramic industry
- Chamber of commerce Tyrol, professional representation of the stone and ceramic industry
- Chamber of commerce Vienna, professional representation of the stone and ceramic industry
- Chamber of commerce Burgenland, professional representation of the construction industry
- Chamber of commerce Carinthia, professional representation of the construction industry
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, professional representation of the construction industry
- Chamber of commerce Upper Austria, professional representation of the construction industry
- Chamber of commerce Salzburg, professional representation of the construction industry
- Chamber of commerce Styria, professional representation of the construction industry
- Chamber of commerce Tyrol, professional representation of the construction industry
- Chamber of commerce Vorarlberg, professional representation of the construction industry
- Chamber of commerce Vienna, professional representation of the construction industry
- Chamber of commerce Salzburg, professional group of the timber industry
- Chamber of commerce Carinthia, professional representation of the metallurgy industry
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, professional group of the metallurgy industry
- Chamber of commerce Upper Austria, professional representation of the metallurgy industry
- Chamber of commerce Salzburg, professional representation of the metallurgy industry
- Chamber of commerce Styria, professional group of the metallurgy industry Styria
- Chamber of commerce Tyrol, professional representation of the metallurgy industry
- Chamber of commerce Vienna, professional representation of the metallurgy industry
- Chamber of commerce Carinthia, professional group of the building materials, iron, hardware and timber trade
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, federal committee of the building materials, iron, hardware and timber trade
- Chamber of commerce Upper Austria, federal committee of the building materials, iron, hardware and timber trade
- Chamber of commerce Styria, federal committee Styria of the building materials, iron, hardware and timber trade
- Chamber of commerce Vienna, federal committee Vienna of the building materials, iron, hardware and timber trade
- Chamber of commerce Upper Austria, federal committee of the machinery and technology trade
- Chamber of commerce Carinthia, professional group of the waste and resource management
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, professional group of the waste and resource management
- Chamber of commerce Vienna, professional group Vienna of the waste and resource management
- Chamber of commerce Upper Austria, professional group for advertising and market communication
- Chamber of commerce Carinthia, professional group for engineering offices
- Chamber of commerce Styria, professional group Styria for engineering offices
- Chamber of commerce Vienna, professional group Vienna for engineering offices
- Chamber of commerce Carinthia, professional group for the real estate and asset trustees
Chambers of commerce description
- Schadlose Entsorgung und Beseitigung von Bauschutt, Baurestmassen und sonstigen ungefährlichen Abfällen, Einschränkung mit Wirkung vom 17.11.2004
- Rohrleitungsbau in der Form eines Industriebetriebes
- Reinigung von Straßen, Gehsteigen und Verkehrsflächen, unter Ausschluß jeder an einen Befähigungsnachweis gebundenen Tätigkeit
- Prüfung, Reinigung und Räumung von Rohrleitungen und Kanälen aller Art, unter Ausschluss jeder an einen Befähigungsnachweis gebundenen Tätigkeit, ZWN
- Pflasterer in der Form eines Industriebetriebes
- Obertägige Gewinnung grundeigener mineralischer Rohstoffe (Schotterabbau in Form von Trocken und Nassbaggerung 'Rumpelmühle II')
- Munitionsbergung: Suche, Sondierung, Ortung und Freilegung von metallischen Gegenständen, insbesonders von Kampfmitteln aller Art, ausgen. die Sicherstellung, Entschärfung, den Abtransport und die Unschädlichmachung von sprengkräftigen Kriegsrelikten
- Schlosser in der Form eines Industriebetriebes
- Mechatroniker für Elektromaschinenbau und Automatisierung verb. mit Mechatroniker für Maschinen und Fertigungstechnik
- Spengler (Handwerk)
- Lüftungstechnik verb. mit Heizungstechnik gem. § 94 Z 31 GewO 19-94
- Lüftungstechnik verb. mit Heizungstechnik gem. § 94 Z 31 GewO 1994
- Kälte und Klimatechnik (Handwerk) gem. § 94 Z 37 GewO 1994, eingeschr. auf die Wartung, Instandhaltung und Instandsetzung der Kälte und Klimatechnik in Bürogebäuden, Einkaufszentren, Produktionsbetrieben und Hotels
- Ingenieurbüros (Beratende Ingenieure) gem. § 94 Z 69 GewO 1994 auf dem Gebiet des Stahlbaues
- Metalltechnik für Metall und Maschinenbau
- Sprengungsunternehmen gem. § 127 Z 3 GewO 1994
- Werbungsmittler
- Werbegestaltung
- Werbeberater
- Weitere Betriebsstätte - Industrieller Pflasterer
- Weitere Betriebsstätte - Baumeister in Form eines Industriebetriebes
- Schlosser in Form eines Industriebetriebes (Par.7 GewO 1994), hier beschr. auf den Bürobetrieb
- Tischler gem. § 94 Z 78 GewO 1973 nunmehr § 94 Z 21 GewO 1994
- Splittrecycling (Aufbereitung des eingekehrten Streusplitts) in der Form eines Industriebetriebes im Standort beschr. auf den Bürobetrieb
- Tischler gem. § 94 Z 21 GewO 1994
- Schlosser in Form eines Industriebetriebes gem. § 7 GewO 1994
- Ingenieurbüros (Beratende Ingenieure) auf dem Fachgebiet Kulturtechnik und Wasserwirtschaft
- Schlosser in Form eines Industriebetriebes (§ 7 GewO 1994)
- Wärme-, Kälte-, Schall und Branddämmer (Handwerk)
- Baumeister gem.§ 127 Z 4 GewO 1994 in Form eines Industriebetriebes
- Bodenleger in Form eines Industriebetriebes gem. § 7 GewO 1994
- Bodenleger in Form eines Industriebetriebes (Par.7 GewO 1994), hier beschr. auf den Bürobetrieb
- Baumeistergewerbe in Form eines Industriebetriebes
- Baumeister, Brunnenmeister gem. § 127 Z 4 GewO 1994 i.d.g.F., eingeschr. auf Baumeister in der Form eines Industriebetriebes
- Ingenieurbüro (Beratende Ingenieure) gem. § 94 Z 69 GewO 1994, auf dem Fachgebiet des Vermessungswesens (§ 127 Z 9 GewO 1994)
- Baumeistergewerbe in der Form eines Industriebetriebes
- Baumeister gem. § 127 Z 4 gewO.1994, in der Form eines Industriebetriebes
- Baumeister gem. § 127 Z 4 GewO 1994 in der Form eines Industriebetriebes
- Ausführen von Bodenmarkierungsarbeiten
- Asphaltierergewerbe
- Überlassung von Arbeitskräften
- Baumeister in der Form eines Industriebetriebes, hier eingeschr. auf den Bürobetrieb
- Holzbaugewerbetreibender eingeschr. auf ausführ. Tätigkeiten
- Industrieller Pflasterer, ZWN
- Immobilientreuhänder (Immobilienmakler, Immobilienverwalter, Bauträger), eingeschr. auf Bauträger
- Dachdecker (Handwerk)
- Handelsgewerbe (mit Ausnahme der bewilligungspflichtigen gebundenen Handelsgewerbe) und Handelsagenten gem. § 124 Z 10 GewO 1994
- Glaser, Glasbeleger und Flachglasschleifer verbunden mit Hohlglasschleifer und Hohlglasveredler, Glasbläser und Glasinstrumentenerzeugung (verbundenes Handwerk), ZWN
- Gewinnung grundeigener mineralischer Rohstoffe gem. § 176 MinroG
- Gas und Sanitärtechnik gem. § 94 Z 25 GewO 1994
- Gärtner gem. § 94 Z 9 GewO 1994
- Gärtner gem. § 103 Abs 1 lit.b Z 22 GewO 1973 nunmehr Par.94 Z 9 GewO 1994
- Gärtner gem. § 103 Abs 1 lit. b Z 22 GewO 1973 nunmehr § 94 Z -9 GewO 1994
- Gärtner gem. § 103 Abs 1 lit. b Z 22 GewO 1973 nunmehr § 94 Z 9 GewO 1994
- Elektrotechniker gem. § 127 Z 7 GewO 1994
- Gas und Wasserleitungsinstallateure gem. § 163 GewO 1973
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