A commuter is a person who works in at least one other municipality, which means that this person has to travel a long way to work. The commuting rate indicates the proportion of commuters in a geographical unit.
Similio offers numerous Commuter comparisons with interactive maps. There is a separate map for each Austrian municipality. Further maps for Commuter are available at the level of political districts, landscapes, regions and at the level of federal provinces.
Keywords on Commuter:
work, other municipality, economy, statistics, commuter allowance, car, car, car park, park & ride, public transport, commuting, commuting, bacon belt, timetable, carpooling, car sharing, cheap housing, annual season ticket, parking garage, commuting to work, workplace.
Commuter: Description
Commuters in Wien 11.,Simmering
The commuter rate in Wien 11.,Simmering is 13,20%. The commuter rates of neighbouring municipalities are shown in the table of neighbouring municipalities.
Commuter in Neighboring municipalities
- Commuter in Wien 22 : 10,30%
- Commuter in Wien 2 : 10,50%
- Commuter in Wien 3 : 11,10%
- Commuter in Wien 10 : 13,10%
- Commuter in Schwechat : 65,70%
Wien 11.,Simmering: Main postcode (ZIP code): 1110
Towns & cadastral municipalities: Wien, Simmering.
- Urbanity : 10
- Prop. price : 539,10€
- Settlement : 7,66
- Household size : 2,19
- Sec. residences : 10%
- Density : 4.170,98 People/km²
- Since 1869 : +689,00%
- Since 1900 : +192,00%
- Since 2011 : +11,00%
- General elections
- Youth : 16,60%
- Seniors : 15,10%
- Sec. education : 56,60%
- Ter. education : 9,30%
- Foreigners : 25,10%
- Unemployment : 16,00%
- Activity rate : 63,40%
- Commuter : 13,20%
- Farmers(Federal) : 183,04%
- Farmers(Austria) : -82,59%