
Legal Form:


Limited partnership

Company register number:
Large urban centres
DreamSportsCars KG - company
Companies and businesses in Wien 12.,Meidling

Social Networks


  1. DreamSportsCars KG
    Nelkenweg 3 / 2353 Guntramsdorf
    T 0660/1001515


  • Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, federal committee of the vehicle trade
  • Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, professional group for the transport industry with passenger cars
  • Chamber of commerce Vienna, professional group Vienna for the transport industry with passenger cars
  • Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, professional group of the garage, petrol station and service companies

Chambers of commerce description

  • Handelsgewerbe mit Ausnahme der reglementierten Handelsgewerbe
  • Vermietung von beweglichen Sachen ausgen. Waffen, Medizinprodukte und Luftfahrzeuge
  • Halten von Räumen und Flächen zum Abstellen von KFZ (Garagierungsgewerbe)
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