
Legal Form:


Registered sole proprietorship

Company register number:
Large urban centres
Gartenbau Josef Diner e.U. - company
Companies and businesses in Wien 23.,Liesing

Social Networks


  1. Gartenbau Josef Diner e.U.
    Leinmüllergasse 1 / 1230 Wien, Liesing
  2. Gartenbau Josef Diner e.U.
    Simmeringer Hauptstraße 389 / 1110 Wien, Simmering
    T 01/7684500
  3. Gartenbau Josef Diner e.U.
    Kolbegasse 34 / 1230 Wien, Liesing


  • Chamber of commerce Vienna, federal guild Vienna of the gardeners and florists
  • Chamber of commerce Vienna, federal committee Vienna of the agricultural trade
  • Chamber of commerce Vienna, federal committee Vienna of the building materials, iron, hardware and timber trade

Chambers of commerce description

  • Gärtner gem. § 103 Abs 1 lit.b Z 22 GewO 1973. Nunmehr: Gärtner gem. § 94 Z 11 GewO 1994
  • Handelsgewerbe gem. § 124 Z 11 GewO 1994, beschr. auf den Kleinhandel

Screenshot of the company website

Gartenbau Josef Diner e.U. Screenshot of the company website
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