Private limited company
Social Networks
Trade & motor vehicles Wholesale goods Flowers & plants
Trade & motor vehicles Wholesale goods Other Consumer goods
Trade & motor vehicles Retail goods Flower arranger
Trade & motor vehicles Retail goods Arts and crafts
Trade & motor vehicles Retail groceries & indulgence Grocery trade
Trade & motor vehicles Retail market trade & direct sales Delivery & teleshopping
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, federal guild of the gardeners and florists
- Chamber of commerce Upper Austria, federal guild of the gardeners and florists
- Chamber of commerce Salzburg, federal guild of the gardeners and florists
- Chamber of commerce Styria, federal guild Styria of the gardeners and florists
- Chamber of commerce Vienna, federal guild Vienna of the gardeners and florists
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, federal committee of the food trade
- Chamber of commerce Salzburg, federal committee of the trade in fashion and leisure articles
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, federal committee of mail order, Internet and general trade
- Chamber of commerce Upper Austria, federal committee of mail order, Internet and general trade
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, professional group of the gastronomy
- Chamber of commerce Upper Austria, professional group of the gastronomy
- Chamber of commerce Lower Austria, professional group for advertising and market communication
Chambers of commerce description
- Werbeagentur
- Handelsgewerbe gem. § 103 Abs 1 lit b Z 25 GewO 1973
- Verabreichung von Speisen in einfacher Art und Ausschank von nichtalkoholischen Getränken und von Bier in handelsüblichen verschlossenen Gefäßen gem. § 111 Abs 2 Z 3 GewO 1994 (nicht mehr als acht Verabreichungsplätze, Würstelstand)
- Blumenbinder (Floristen) verb. mit Gärtner (Par.94 Z 9 GewO 1994)
- Handelsgewerbe gem. § 103 1 lit b Z 25 GewO 1973 eingeschr. auf Handelsgewerbe
- Blumenbinder (Floristen) verb. mit Gärtner gem. § 94 Z 9 GewO 1994
- Blumenbinder (Floristen) verb. mit Gärtner (§ 94 Z 9 GewO 1994)
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